One of the research activities of WISE-8 (Wing In Surface Effect 8 seater) Craft on TA. 2009 is the Hydrodynamic Characteristics Test on Landing Process wise, in the form of reviewing and analyzing the impact load through the water at the Towing Tank model test - UPT.BPPH-BPPT, Surabaya.
Testing water impact loads on the model of wise-8 performed by attractive models at variable speed, altitude and angle variation model, through the trains pull (towing carriage) and dropped on to the surface of the water. With the aim to predict the magnitude of hydrodynamic impact water and other hydrodynamic phenomena wise-8 models.
From the test results obtained by the maximum pressure occurring at 90.56 and 90.64 gr/cm2 diarea gr/cm2 diarea midship rear midship. Apart from that have performed calculations of the probability of slamming wave conditions seastate-3 at 20 and 35 knots, saw the slamming very small (<1%), WISE-8 operation is relatively safe from slamming.
Keywords: Wise-8; water impact load; slamming
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