

Rabu, 14 November 2012



A. Institutional Synergy Program Coordination
1. Synergy Coordination Framework
Synergy-Institutional Coordination Framework Program: Make efforts to work together in the coordination of institutional programs, to smooth terwujutnya program and program objectives. Always keep track of program activities and actively participate in activities related to the program.
Institutional coordination at the time of the survey conducted by the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) and elements of the village have been going well, especially in the provision of information about the presence of fishing vessels designated as the object of research. Coordination with DKP and shipowners in Banyusangkah increasingly intense after obtaining a fishing boat as the object of the study area tersebut.Bentuk Coordination with Government / DKP and village associated with licensing, technical discussions and surveys as well as asset management research.
2. Indicators of Institutional Success Synergy-program coordination:
Woke up strong relationships and mutual support institutional development program activities. Especially in this hasilpenelitian socializing to be delivered to other fishermen in Madura, so the technology is able to be applied to fishing communities to reduce the operational costs of arrest and improving standards of living.
3. Synergy Development of Coordination:
This phase has been going on several times-institutional coordination program, especially with DKP Bangkalan emphasis on plan assets research grants to shipowners to involve the DKP to surrender and plan the use of the asset as the development of future research.
 B. Utilization Framework Litbangyasa
Litbangyasa results will be given to owners of fishing vessels at the site of research work that is Bp. Sayidi Banyusangka village Bangkalan DKP Bangkalan Madura involving the submission process. It is hoped that the technology will be obtained can be utilized by fishermen and transmitted to other fishermen to support the development of maritime industry and become a valuable technology information for the community.
1.Kerangka and Utilization Strategy Litbangyasa: Strategies litbangyasa the utilization of technology resulting transformed the fishermen for fishermen can be transmitted to others in order to improve the welfare of fishing communities and increase local revenues pantai.Meyakinkan with evidence of research results to the fishermen or vessel owners bahwasannya drive fishing boat with inboard system more efficient when compared with the fishing boat outboard system.
A challenge that implementation inboard system has not been fully accepted by the owners of fishing vessels using ring nets because the nets lodged constraints bali boat propeller. Besides the constraints on fishing vessels that operate through the muddy feared the propeller being damaged by mud. Therefore, it is necessary to do a more in-depth follow-up study in order to avoid both of these situations.
Successful Utilization 2.Indikator litbangyasa: The indicator is able to apply this technology to fishing communities to reduce operational costs arrests.
3. Developments Utilization Litbangyasa: Until now in the process of generating litbangyasa technology.

Power Estimation Fish Boat

Power Estimation Fish Boat

At the time of planning, an engineer must be able to perform in accordance with the existing peracangan based regulations. Regulations are usually issued by the Class, such as BKI (Bureau Classification Indonesia), BV (Bureau Veritas), GL (Germanischer Lloyd), etc., so that an engineer must choose one of the many classes available.
Estimated to be done first is the driving force of the ship, because basically playing engine or ship propulsion, can spend about 30 percent of the total budget to be released soon, so this could be said to be crucial, and must be considered carefully.
Cost to play is usually directly proportional to the engine power being issued, so we just need to find the required driving force approximation (BHP).
The first to do is to make corrections to the size of the main vessel owner given by regulation to be used. The results of this correction is that natinya will be used in determining the initial estimate ship propulsion.
Correction Main Size (In accordance with BKI)
• The value of L / Bantara 5.0 - 6.0
• The value of L / Hantara 8.5 - 10
• The value of T / B between 0:45 to 0:48
• The value of T / Hantara 0.74 - 0.84
After the correction of errors in the can, then we can find the value of Cb (block coefficient), Ac (Coefficient Admiral), and displacement (Δ) is needed later. The formula is:
CB = 1179 - ((0333 * Vs) / L ^ 0.5)
Ac = 0.95 L + 197
Δ = LWL * B * T * Cb * 1:03
L = Length of ship (m)
LWL = Length Waterline Ship = 1045 * L
B = Width Outlying Ship (m)
T = Draft or Draught Ship (m)
H = Height Ship (m)
Cb = block coefficient
Ac = coefficient Admiral
Δ = Ship Displacement (tons)

Early Power Estimation Mover
To calculate ship propulsion design used methods Admiralitet:

SHP = {(Displ ^ 2/3) x Vs ^ 3} / Ac
BHP = SHP / (0.98 x 0.85)
SHP = Shaft Horse Power (Hp)
BHP = Break Horse Power (Hp)

The calculation to determine the initial estimate Ship Power Activator can be made in a visual basic program. Examples of cases and the calculation is as follows:
Shipyard will make fishing boats ordered by the owner with the following specifications:
• LPP = 9.14 m
• B = 2.92 m
• T = 1.37 m
• H = 1.73 m
• Vs = 8 Knot
These steps are used:
1. Make corrections to the size of the ship's main
2. Calculates the value of Cb, Ac, and displacement
3. After that, the calculation of the SHP, sehinggan value of BHP can be found.



A. Methods of achieving the performance targets
1. Framework - The design of the research methods
Implementation Survey.
The purpose of the survey is to give understanding to the fishing community about the purpose of the study as well as providing the opportunity for fishermen to engage his ship as the object of the survey area penelitian.Sasaran field directed at the area of
​​the southern coast of the island of Madura and the northern coast of the island of Madura, including fishing centers in Bangkalan, lacquer, Pamekasan, and Sumenep.
Survey the target object is a fishing boat or a ship-sized fish collectors GT 5-25, single or dual-engine propulsion system with outboard engine propulsion. For that survey the location specified in the centers of the central location of the operational area of
​​fishing vessels in the waters adequately represent its popularity Madura Island. As a case study was also conducted surveys in Pati and Probolinggo Juwono Central Java and East Java.
Prior to this survey teams go into the field approaches (relationship) is procedurally against several parties that the survey went smoothly and right on target is expected, while the parties are:
1. The local government through the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the local area.
2. Sub-district and village heads.
           3. Fishermen and boat owners group Traditional.
           4. Traditional shipbuilding.
Beginning with the notice and consent to a government survey / Department of Fisheries Kelauutan and directly followed by an explanation of the goals and objectives of the survey as the beginning of a series of research activities. Discussions with the Government / Department of Marine and Fisheries took place intensively, especially relating to fishing vessel data that corresponds to the purpose of the study.

Discussions with groups of fishermen and boat owners were directed to get the fishing boats as objects penelitian.Dijelaskan about the importance of improving the efficiency of the ship, especially giving the sense that the inboard engine propulsion system with a much better and more efficient than outboard system that is still used by the community fishermen on the island of Madura. Limitations of the fishermen and boat owners on the basics shipbuilding techniques and trends toward traditions remain the toughest challenge for researchers in obtaining the object of research fishing vessel.
On the other hand many ship owners are reluctant to give up his ship participated as a research object. This is understandable, because the vessel used for the object of research the ship owner will lose income because they can not go out to sea during the measurement vessel, sea trial, and during the demolition and installation of machinery. Besides, due to budget constraints, the owner of the ship burdened with the cost of materials and the cost of installation of the wood foundation. These constraints make the delay in getting the fishing vessel research object, which in turn affects the ships engine procurement proposal. The calculation engine propulsion power of the vessel can be done after the measurements to the drawing board as a starting point for the calculation of an engine needed.
2. Indicators of Success Achievement
As a result of intensive coordination with the local government / DKP Bangkalan and village heads as well as the willingness of owners of fishing boats in the village Bp.H Sayidi Banyusangka Bangkalan, then in early August 2012 have been obtained Boats Fish to be the object of research after approval of the owner ship.
 Fish Vessel Name:
Ship owner: H. Sayidi
Address: Village Banyusangka Bangkalan
Type of ship: Ship Fish
Capture Tool: Net ring (purse seine)
Vessel Size
- Length = 16.24 m LOA
- Length LWL = 12.00 m
- Width = 4.00 m
- Height = 1.53 m
- Ship Loaded Blanks = 0.5 m
- Ships Fully Loaded = 0.77 m

Installation of Engine Systems Fishing boat Inboard.

Installation of Engine Systems Fishing boat Inboard.

Target end of the study was change and the installation of an engine of a fishing boat from system to system inboard outboard. The success of the system change is indicated by an increase in the speed of fishing vessels from the sea trial results of Phase I (outboard systems) and sea phase II trial (inboard system).
Until the report is made, the need for ship propulsion engine is still in the process of procurement. Submission of machines has been delayed due to difficulties in obtaining a fishing boat as objects of research as diurakan the previous chapter. Thus, the installation of an engine can not be done and the experience penundahan. Estimated installation inboard propulsion engines and equipment takes 1-2 weeks.

a. Engines on fishing boats
generally has a principle and mechanism of action similar to other machines, which are used in the automotive and other industries world. It's just that distinguishes it is the need, function and mechanism of the machine system works. In most fishing boats use diesel engines. Diesel engine propulsion system is a machine that is using the system compression (compression systems) is high; then injects fuel into the air in the machine at high temperatures and pressures. This is actually the source that causes a strong vibration, which in turn can result in reduced engine power and keel over a period of time.
Such circumstances also associated with the installation of ship machinery used. If the installation machine is not exactly aligned with the axis located flat and propellers, it will cause suboptimal function of the machine as ship propulsion. To convert between one type of machine as the main machine of the kind of high or medium speed on a fishing boat is very closely related to the preliminary design in shipbuilding, which is also related to the state of the machine used or the selection of engineering, and installation of machinery on the ship. It can be said that the stages in the manufacture of a vessel within the family system is the installation of machinery and installation of runway axis propeller (propeller bost). Thus required an integration (integration) between the engineering design of the installation of the machine with the vessel. It should be based on knowledge of installation techniques effective machine moving fishing boats, which are generally still made from wood.
As the foundation of the machine used materials commonly used in building wooden ships and iron-steel material as a binder or necessary for the installation of ship machinery.

b. Machine Foundations
Determining the proper foundation mesinyang (accurate) is an important first step be done in the process of installing the machine ships. Because it is closely related to the techniques of effective ship engine installed as a driver of the boat. Make ikanharuslah ship design takes into account the position of machines and devices that support the machine as a driving force.
Making foundation to prepare the foundation outboard engine according to size, the width of the feet, the length and height. Engine size it should be known prior information, in order to create a harmony machine foundation. For it must already know the type of machine that was about to be used, ie specifications, shape and type of engine and propeller size to be used with the machine. That information is needed in order to put the machine foundation and continues.
Once the engine is solid and stable foundation, the next step to determine the hole axis propeller.

c. Position blades (Propeller)
Making holes sumbubaling blades is a crucial (crucial) the effectiveness of the machine. It is closely related to the position and size of the hole, which is determined by the size of the axis and the size of the propeller used. Position propeller shaft hole affects the position of the machine foundation and in turn also effective engine power. Position and size of the hole axis propeller is also closely related to the type of machine to be used because it will affect the ability to 'gear box'.
To know the size of propeller shaft to be used, the first step is to know the capacity and capabilities of the machine. Especially with respect to power machines usually printed on the machine. The size of the propeller shaft can be determined with complete knowledge about the machines that will be installed on the ship. The technician who installed the machine ships, can not decide the magnitude axis propeller based on the size of the existing ships, but determined the size of the engine and propeller. From the data the engine power to be used then the ability RPM (Round Per Minute) maximum of a machine can be obtained, thus automatically magnitude 'gear box' will be calculated. To determine the velocity of the machine (in RPM) on the gear box, usually used comparisons RPM on any type of gear box are sold in the market. In this case using a ratio of 1:3,
So the function 'gear-box' is to reduce engine speed before reaching the propeller through the propeller shaft. Therefore, the maximum velocity of the machine used as a benchmark capability 'gear box'. Kaedahnya are simply the higher the engine speed, the higher the ratio that should be owned by the gear box. If kaedah is not implemented, it could result in loss of engine power (engine power losting).
Furthermore, the already known scale 'gear box', the amount of 'output shaft coupling' in the gear box can be determined. This data is useful to determine the axis that will be used as the propeller. The magnitude of propeller shaft to be used should not exceed the 'shaft' on 'gear box coupling'.
Once the size of the propeller shaft is determined, can then be used to determine the amount of the propeller. To determine the amount of leaf blades, the need to re-see the comparison RPM gear box and engine. This relationship can be explained by considering the speed of the propeller circle line moving. The smaller the circle motion propeller sooner it will be a round that will be generated. Similarly, the lighter the load borne by the machine. Because garistengah round 'clutch' on 'gear box' and the engine clutch must be adjusted to the ability to move the propeller; then it should be noticed that the magnitude of the propeller used will not collide with the body of the vessel or hull or deck at the bottom stern of the ship. after propeller size obtained. Further determined lengths propeller shaft (propeller).
To determine the size of the long axis of the rotor blades, the length is measured from the approximate distance from the seat in the body of the gear box to the rear of the stern of the vessel before passing the full length; to estimate the propeller can move freely. Also need to consider that if then required, it can also increase the leaf blades at any time without having problems, caused by the limited distance between the keel to the underside of the ship at the stern. Then measure the length of the pipe 'stantip', which starts from the pole L to the last copy of the portion paid into the body of the ship reaches the gear box.
So determining the position of the ship's engine system must be considered with the ship. Position the machine must be in harmony with the weight and size of the machine. The installation position of the machine that will either reduce vibration (vibration) generated by the machine.
d. Installation of Gear Box
After the entry hole propeller shaft mounting dibuatdan ace, boss, couplings and pipe stantip been completed, then proceed with the installation of gear box. Position 'gear box' is determined by the position of propeller shaft coupling. How to determine the position of the gear box is measured from the outer clutch that connects the gear box with as propeller; then created position gear box. Position has been obtained to see whether or not the barriers experienced in the installation of gear box, such as keel position that does not allow for the gear box was mounted. If this is the case then it should be taken as a decision making seat gear box using iron or other materials that do not easily shake or topple. However, if the position can be directly used as a full footrest gear box, this will make it easier installation work gear box. If this situation is found, then the thing to do is to scrape the hull then measured kerataannya partly with spirit or water weights.
Requires a series of supporting gear box consisting of sticks and rope gear box triggers trigger on the main engine and the gas pump Bilge trigger. For the installation of the trigger stick gear box used to ship wood or iron triggers that connect directly with the hole in the window or the engine room, and connected directly to the master with a trigger. While the gas is used to trigger a powerful hose cable strung from the trigger gas contained in the machine, and attached to the cable and added a series of roller made of iron attached to the wall of the ship's engine. The series is directed straight to the skipper will control kapal.Setelah gear box sits flat and strong ascertained, the next step is to create a clutch that connects the axle propeller, gear box to the engine pulley.

FIG. The installation of a fishing boat engines
e. Installation of Machinery
Installation padadasarnya machine is installed and put the machine on the base machine. How to put the machine not much different from the previous gear box installed. The difference in the gear box mounting, he was influenced by the position of the keel. While pemaangan machine engine position has been determined by the foundation that has been created previously. That leaves only the distance between the gear box to the engine, and high engine with gear box and clutch alignment between synchronization wide position clutch that connects the engine to the gear box and the bolts fastening the feet.
Constraints experienced in the installation of the machine when the position is sometimes determined by the flatness of the position 'axis propeller shafting' and 'gear box' does not conform to the shape and distance of the height of the machine. It would require a special technique to determine the position of the machine on the foundation. Another alternative should be taken as determining the degree of slope engines berhubunganlangsung dalammenetapkansinkronisasi clutch with the engine. Or the other way by undermining the foundation or penambahankakimesintambahan entirely made of iron. This is done so that the position of the engine clutch gear box on an equal footing in order to avoid the unexpected. For example, the calculation is not exact due to opposing forces arising between the rotation of the machine with the clutch gear box, which makes the lack of durability advocates foot gear box or engine. Resulting in excessive shock, vibration and engine noise rise. Vibration and noise these machines need to be controlled so that the fish will be caught not tergangguataumenghindardarikapaldan work crew comfort is not compromised.
If all important considerations and calculations required has been done and the data obtained, the installation mesinpun done. Started by connecting the engine with the clutch and gear box bolt fastener pengemalan machine foot, having ascertained the position of the machine. Position the machine may be paid directly to the joist and laid out as the foundation engineering; were sometimes necessary ditarah (scraped) or by the addition of the feet made of iron. Whichever way the aim is to use the machine to sit steady and flat, so it is not expected to pose a constraint on the power of machine motion or other effects caused by an aligned position. Less conscientious and careful in installing the machine allows the engine power is not effective as a driver of the boat.
After a series of position and other machinery sits perfectly (steady) then made a hole bolt fastener feet. This is done by Constructing 'mall' with the use of nails to make a dot on the machine foundation. Then the drilling is done by lifting the engine first. But there are other ways a more effective and efficient, ie by first measuring the feet thoroughly and carefully, regarding the width, height and distance synchronization engine with gear box.
Please note other elements that affect engineering engine installed on timber ships, such as the basic factor of the machine and the method of determining position, status and making the hole axis propeller (propeller), mounting gear box, power grid, support equipment, steering and gasbuang pipe.



A. Stages of Implementation Activities
The research activities are grouped into 10 stages based on the weight kigiatan predetermined performance targets:
1. Preparation and coordination of program performance target of 2% weight
2. Implementation of the survey and data collection vessel weighs 12% performance targets
3. Determination of the location and the object of research achievements 2% weight targets
4. Planning system for repowering weight performance targets 8%
5. Procurement of materials or machinery performance target of 10% weight
6. Preparation and modification of the rear hull shape and construction installation amplifier performance target of 25% weight
7. Installation of propulsion and steering system performance target of 15% weight
8. The test system performance target of 12% weight
9. Analysis and evaluation of project performance target of 10% weight
10. Preparing reports 4% weight targets achievement.

2. Obstacles Constraints Implementation Activities
Outboard engine fishing boat mostly used on fishing boats with nets ring, which at the time deployment and withdrawal of nets, engine is off and the propeller along its axis rotated / elevated above the surface of the water. This is done to avoid jams nets on the propeller while the net position under the hull
Ship owners think with the change of the system of outboard engines to engines with inboard system, the existence of a fixed propeller under the water surface would be an obstacle to the withdrawal nets, snagged on the propeller.
With these system changes shipowner must provide funds for the needs of the foundation wood vessels and the cost of labor. Besides changes in the system resulted in a fishing boat stopped operating in sufficient time to have an understanding lama.Pemilik Ship propulsion system is very low and difficult to accept the changes that have never been experienced before.
The existence of the above constraints our researchers difficulty object of research to get on board and get them in early August 2012 for further calculations of the required engine power driving begins with the measure and ship lines plan.

B. Managerial Administrative Management
1. Budget Planning
Plans have been made before the use of the budget based on the needs of the research and other activities that support the research. To achieve the research output expected, actual budget is expected to be absorbed entirely for optimality and smoothness of the activity itself.
2. Budget Management Mechanism
Until the report is made, the research project has been merealisaikan Rp. 98,415,000, - or 39,244% of the total funds of Rp. 250.000.000, -.
3. Design and Development of Asset Management
Technology fishing boat with inboard propulsion system is expected to become a pilot and disseminated to fishermen around. For the results of this study in the form of a single unit will dihibahkanpemilik boat inboard engine and mounted on a fishing boat used as a research object.
        4. Constraints - Constraints Management Managerial Administration
1. Absorption of Honor realization reached 17.4% of the target of 26.32% or 65.8% is absorbed. The remaining fees will be absorbed after the work is completed.
2. Business travel is realized 18,027% of the total target of 35%, or 51.5% was realized. Schedule absorption of the remaining trips are proposed.
3. Materials unrealized (0%) of the total target of 32.24%, has been filed, is currently in the procurement process. Delays in procurement of materials such as ship engine unit can affect the completion schedule of the overall research activity.