1. Background
Fishing fleets that have a technology that has been developed is the primary means of support that will enhance fisheries production in the sea.
Most of the fishing fleet, especially in the area of Madura Island Beach and the southern part of the southern coast of Madura is a traditional fishing boat made of wood and the ship was made by traditional craftsmen who keahlianya in making the ship available for generations. Manufacturing procedures are generally done without technology planning, calculations and drawings as what is done by conventional shipyard.
In certain areas on the island of Madura most of the craftsmen have social intuition cultural heritage and the environment is very attached, so as to implement the technology development program on traditional fishing boats are still required prior socialization and phasing. But in most areas south of the island of Madura Coast already exist that can quickly accept new technologies and are not affected by social factors and culture of the local environment so it does not need to go through the stages of development.
Therefore, the development of traditional fishing vessels should be aware of the influence of social attachment issues cultural and environmental areas which will be developed.
Development of technology on traditional fishing fleet can be done not only by means of motorization (marinized), the main engine power (BHP) as appropriate, fishing gear and other innovations but more accurately is to create a model fishing boat (prototype) with appropriate technology use is considered appropriate for a particular area.
Mini Purse Seine Vessel type (Figure) in the waters of the island of Madura is better known as the Ship Tubanan and can be found in the region South Coast and North Coast Madura Madura.
FIG. Purse seine ships with outboard engine system in Banyusangka Bangkalan
This boat shape is similar to a small conventional ship, but the size is still bigger than the boat type and Polokan untul. The boat is also made in the traditional way as well as fishing boats golekan type of construction is paid to the composition and ivory. This type of boat sizes reaching 16-20 m in length, width 2:30 m - 5.00 m and a height of 3.00 m, the main propulsion engine using a modified onshore marine engine outboard engine yangdiletakkan in a position to power 100-120 PS. Positioning Outboard engine of the ship means placed on the deck of a ship with a propulsion system angular position about 30-45 degrees to the direction of movement of the ship.
Besides purse seine fishing boats with outboard drive system has a long propeller shafts and can also be moved up and down through the hinge foundation engine cradle that is located at the stern. Shaft length can reach 5 m move freely without pedestal supported, so that when the machine spins the propeller shaft length occurs very big vibration. Meant long propeller shaft so that the propeller can be submerged to a depth of water required, in addition as to avoid dead air acting on propeller (figure).
FIG. 5 m long propeller shaft rotates freely without pedestal.
In addition to the placement of the engine and propeller shaft inefficient, use a wooden wheel with the size and placement will add to the poor performance of this outboard system (Figure).
FIG. Boats Fish with wood steering Outboard drive system.
While fishing equipment normally used are mini purse seine or gill net, but now that dominates is the kind of mini purse seine and boat crew who took part in opersionalnya can reach 20-30 people.
It can be said that the vessel fishes in the waters around PulauMadura using boat / wooden boats for fishing and collectors of fish in the sea. Most engines driving / main engine mounted as outboard engine (Fig.1) with a foundation of a machine that can be moved vertically (Fig. 2). Consequently there is no synchronization between the effective working of the hull with propulsinya system. Synchronization between the ship's hull, main propulsion engines and propellers are decisive stage in the design or manufacture of the vessel. The selection and placement of the traditional fishing boat propulsion systems both small size (canoe) and the size is rather large (30 GRT), is determined more by factors tradsisi habits and local communities.
Figures 3 and 4, is an example of that in planning and propulsion drive system does not follow the rules of fishing vessels propulsion system that really only rely on tradition.
Consequently, there is no synchronization between the body work effectively with the system drive (propulsion and steering the boat). Technically, there effisiensinya propulsion system is very low resulting in: wasted fuel, vibration, engine lifespan shorter, longer travel times, and if the motion is not good boat. The factors that cause this ship propulsion system is operated above the deck (out board), so the propeller vessel to operate on an inclined plane that is large enough (> 30o); openings stomach caused propulsion system will cause the water to die (dead water) is quite large; placement steering less precise (to the side or in front of the boat propeller).
Fig.1 Fishing boat with a single engine system outboad in Tanglok Sampang.
Fig.2. Propulsion system can be rotated upwards on a fishing boat outboard systems
Fig.3 Single Engine Outboard boats fish in Branta Pamekasan
FIG. 4 Ships fish nets Ring with Outboard engine system Ganda in Tanjung Sampang
Alignment of the hull form, placement and amount of power an engine, propeller shaft, propeller and rudder are critical steps in the successful creation of a ship. The success of the design and manufacture of boats, at least as indicated by the fulfillment of the desired speed with rendahsehingga fuel consumption and operating costs can be reduced because of the speed boats are met will result in an increase in the catch and secure the quality of the catch.
2. Main Problem
Most of the fishing communities on the coast of Madura uses wooden boats as a means of transportation to catch fish. The type and size of boat that is used varies with capacities between 1-25 GRT. Mover (main engine) mounted on the deck as most outboard engines. Where the angle of the propeller shaft of more than 30 degrees to the surface of the water or the direction of the kapal.Penggerak with such systems in terms of technology there is a significant weakness. Thrust generated by the propulsion system which makes an angle will be smaller when compared with the direct drive system with the movement of the boat (inboard system). As a result, with the same engine power boat with outboard engine speed will be slower when compared to boats with inboard propulsion engines. More wasteful of fuel or shorter cruising range. Besides, the vibration caused by the much larger outboard systems, which resulted in the exhaustion of construction and maintenance costs would be higher.
To get optimal results, then conducted a systematic phasing of activities beginning with the stages of preparation and study literature, stage determination fishing vessel survey as an object of research, planning and implementation repowering, stage evaluation and analysis of the results of sea-trials conducted before and after re-powering.
3. Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives repowering boat to fish from Inboard Outboard Boat To Improve Efficiency is researching the effects of changes in the efficiency of the fishing boat with outboard engine system to system inboard.Pengaruh engine change is indicated by a change of pace from the fishing vessel seatrial.
4. Methodology
This study begins with a survey of fishing vessels that have sizes 1-25 GRT outboard drive system. The determination made after extensive research object to lack of socialization that occurs in outboard propulsion system. The test drive system Seatrial be carried out in two stages, stage 1 prior to the modification of drive system and stage 2 after the modification drive system (repowering). Analysis of the results seatrial will provide solutions to the use of outboard propulsion systems and disseminated to fishermen.
Locus of Activity: What research activities focused on the island of Madura, East Java. In PKPP program in the area of Java 2 corridor.
Activity Focus: The focus of the research is Shipping, Sector focus: Technology and Transportation Management
Forms of activity: research in the form of activities in door and out door, namely:
- Study the literature and research preparation
- Internal coordination meetings and coordination with relevant agencies
- Field Survey
- Implementation of modifications board field
- Seatrial
- Analysis of the results of research
- Administration and preparation of the activity.
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