

Rabu, 14 November 2012



A. Methods of achieving the performance targets
1. Framework - The design of the research methods
Implementation Survey.
The purpose of the survey is to give understanding to the fishing community about the purpose of the study as well as providing the opportunity for fishermen to engage his ship as the object of the survey area penelitian.Sasaran field directed at the area of
​​the southern coast of the island of Madura and the northern coast of the island of Madura, including fishing centers in Bangkalan, lacquer, Pamekasan, and Sumenep.
Survey the target object is a fishing boat or a ship-sized fish collectors GT 5-25, single or dual-engine propulsion system with outboard engine propulsion. For that survey the location specified in the centers of the central location of the operational area of
​​fishing vessels in the waters adequately represent its popularity Madura Island. As a case study was also conducted surveys in Pati and Probolinggo Juwono Central Java and East Java.
Prior to this survey teams go into the field approaches (relationship) is procedurally against several parties that the survey went smoothly and right on target is expected, while the parties are:
1. The local government through the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the local area.
2. Sub-district and village heads.
           3. Fishermen and boat owners group Traditional.
           4. Traditional shipbuilding.
Beginning with the notice and consent to a government survey / Department of Fisheries Kelauutan and directly followed by an explanation of the goals and objectives of the survey as the beginning of a series of research activities. Discussions with the Government / Department of Marine and Fisheries took place intensively, especially relating to fishing vessel data that corresponds to the purpose of the study.

Discussions with groups of fishermen and boat owners were directed to get the fishing boats as objects penelitian.Dijelaskan about the importance of improving the efficiency of the ship, especially giving the sense that the inboard engine propulsion system with a much better and more efficient than outboard system that is still used by the community fishermen on the island of Madura. Limitations of the fishermen and boat owners on the basics shipbuilding techniques and trends toward traditions remain the toughest challenge for researchers in obtaining the object of research fishing vessel.
On the other hand many ship owners are reluctant to give up his ship participated as a research object. This is understandable, because the vessel used for the object of research the ship owner will lose income because they can not go out to sea during the measurement vessel, sea trial, and during the demolition and installation of machinery. Besides, due to budget constraints, the owner of the ship burdened with the cost of materials and the cost of installation of the wood foundation. These constraints make the delay in getting the fishing vessel research object, which in turn affects the ships engine procurement proposal. The calculation engine propulsion power of the vessel can be done after the measurements to the drawing board as a starting point for the calculation of an engine needed.
2. Indicators of Success Achievement
As a result of intensive coordination with the local government / DKP Bangkalan and village heads as well as the willingness of owners of fishing boats in the village Bp.H Sayidi Banyusangka Bangkalan, then in early August 2012 have been obtained Boats Fish to be the object of research after approval of the owner ship.
 Fish Vessel Name:
Ship owner: H. Sayidi
Address: Village Banyusangka Bangkalan
Type of ship: Ship Fish
Capture Tool: Net ring (purse seine)
Vessel Size
- Length = 16.24 m LOA
- Length LWL = 12.00 m
- Width = 4.00 m
- Height = 1.53 m
- Ship Loaded Blanks = 0.5 m
- Ships Fully Loaded = 0.77 m

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