A. Institutional Synergy Program Coordination
1. Synergy Coordination Framework
Synergy-Institutional Coordination Framework Program: Make efforts to work together in the coordination of institutional programs, to smooth terwujutnya program and program objectives. Always keep track of program activities and actively participate in activities related to the program.
Institutional coordination at the time of the survey conducted by the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) and elements of the village have been going well, especially in the provision of information about the presence of fishing vessels designated as the object of research. Coordination with DKP and shipowners in Banyusangkah increasingly intense after obtaining a fishing boat as the object of the study area tersebut.Bentuk Coordination with Government / DKP and village associated with licensing, technical discussions and surveys as well as asset management research.
2. Indicators of Institutional Success Synergy-program coordination:
Woke up strong relationships and mutual support institutional development program activities. Especially in this hasilpenelitian socializing to be delivered to other fishermen in Madura, so the technology is able to be applied to fishing communities to reduce the operational costs of arrest and improving standards of living.
3. Synergy Development of Coordination:
This phase has been going on several times-institutional coordination program, especially with DKP Bangkalan emphasis on plan assets research grants to shipowners to involve the DKP to surrender and plan the use of the asset as the development of future research.
B. Utilization Framework Litbangyasa
Litbangyasa results will be given to owners of fishing vessels at the site of research work that is Bp. Sayidi Banyusangka village Bangkalan DKP Bangkalan Madura involving the submission process. It is hoped that the technology will be obtained can be utilized by fishermen and transmitted to other fishermen to support the development of maritime industry and become a valuable technology information for the community.
1.Kerangka and Utilization Strategy Litbangyasa: Strategies litbangyasa the utilization of technology resulting transformed the fishermen for fishermen can be transmitted to others in order to improve the welfare of fishing communities and increase local revenues pantai.Meyakinkan with evidence of research results to the fishermen or vessel owners bahwasannya drive fishing boat with inboard system more efficient when compared with the fishing boat outboard system.
A challenge that implementation inboard system has not been fully accepted by the owners of fishing vessels using ring nets because the nets lodged constraints bali boat propeller. Besides the constraints on fishing vessels that operate through the muddy feared the propeller being damaged by mud. Therefore, it is necessary to do a more in-depth follow-up study in order to avoid both of these situations.
Successful Utilization 2.Indikator litbangyasa: The indicator is able to apply this technology to fishing communities to reduce operational costs arrests.
3. Developments Utilization Litbangyasa: Until now in the process of generating litbangyasa technology.
A. Institutional Synergy Program Coordination
1. Synergy Coordination Framework
Synergy-Institutional Coordination Framework Program: Make efforts to work together in the coordination of institutional programs, to smooth terwujutnya program and program objectives. Always keep track of program activities and actively participate in activities related to the program.
Institutional coordination at the time of the survey conducted by the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) and elements of the village have been going well, especially in the provision of information about the presence of fishing vessels designated as the object of research. Coordination with DKP and shipowners in Banyusangkah increasingly intense after obtaining a fishing boat as the object of the study area tersebut.Bentuk Coordination with Government / DKP and village associated with licensing, technical discussions and surveys as well as asset management research.
2. Indicators of Institutional Success Synergy-program coordination:
Woke up strong relationships and mutual support institutional development program activities. Especially in this hasilpenelitian socializing to be delivered to other fishermen in Madura, so the technology is able to be applied to fishing communities to reduce the operational costs of arrest and improving standards of living.
3. Synergy Development of Coordination:
This phase has been going on several times-institutional coordination program, especially with DKP Bangkalan emphasis on plan assets research grants to shipowners to involve the DKP to surrender and plan the use of the asset as the development of future research.
B. Utilization Framework Litbangyasa
Litbangyasa results will be given to owners of fishing vessels at the site of research work that is Bp. Sayidi Banyusangka village Bangkalan DKP Bangkalan Madura involving the submission process. It is hoped that the technology will be obtained can be utilized by fishermen and transmitted to other fishermen to support the development of maritime industry and become a valuable technology information for the community.
1.Kerangka and Utilization Strategy Litbangyasa: Strategies litbangyasa the utilization of technology resulting transformed the fishermen for fishermen can be transmitted to others in order to improve the welfare of fishing communities and increase local revenues pantai.Meyakinkan with evidence of research results to the fishermen or vessel owners bahwasannya drive fishing boat with inboard system more efficient when compared with the fishing boat outboard system.
A challenge that implementation inboard system has not been fully accepted by the owners of fishing vessels using ring nets because the nets lodged constraints bali boat propeller. Besides the constraints on fishing vessels that operate through the muddy feared the propeller being damaged by mud. Therefore, it is necessary to do a more in-depth follow-up study in order to avoid both of these situations.
Successful Utilization 2.Indikator litbangyasa: The indicator is able to apply this technology to fishing communities to reduce operational costs arrests.
3. Developments Utilization Litbangyasa: Until now in the process of generating litbangyasa technology.
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